In this project, five partners from Slovakia and Austria are joining their forces to work together to achieve project objectives, among them three universities, one major research organisation and a an agency supporting internationalisation of higher education and research. Three of the partners are also members of the EURAXESS network.
SAIA, n. o. is a non-governmental non-profit organization that has been helping to internationalize education and science in Slovakia since 1990. As the national coordinator of the EURAXESS network in Slovakia, SAIA has been supporting mobility and career development of researchers since 2004. It administers international programs in the field of academic mobility (National Scholarship Program, CEEPUS, Austria-Slovakia Action, Academic Mobility and others) on the basis of contracts with state administration bodies. It provides information on funding opportunities and practical issues related to student and researcher mobility and assists in the development of international relations in the field of education and science. It organises and provides conferences, trainings and workshops for students, researchers and professionals supporting education and research. In the implementation of its activities, it cooperates in international networks and projects as well as with universities, SAS and state administration bodies.
The University of Vienna is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the largest in Central Europe. One of the core mission of the University of Vienna is excellent doctoral education. At present, more than 4500 doctoral candidates are enrolled, around 800 in the Life Sciences and neighbouring disciplines. While doctoral education is provided by the faculties and within the doctoral schools, extra-curricular trainings are offered centrally by the Center for Doctoral Studies, a subdivision of the ‘Research Services and Career Development’ unit. The Center for Doctoral Studies is involved in the ongoing reforms of doctoral education at the University of Vienna, provides a comprehensive transferable skills training programme. Over the years, it became a role model for many universities, in Austria as well as internationally that follow the “Viennese approach”. University of Vienna is also a member of the European EURAXESS network.
The Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) is a self-governing scientific institution focused on the development of science, education, culture and economics. The main mission of the SAS and its organisations is to implement basic and applied research in a wide range of technical, natural, humanities and social sciences. Through its research activities, the SAS strives to develop knowledge at the international level, while respecting the current needs of Slovak society and domestic culture. The organisations of the academy, in cooperation with universities, participate in education, especially by educating young scientists, but also by pedagogical activity at universities. Through bilateral and multilateral scientific international and domestic projects, especially from the resources of the EU structural funds, and membership in international associations and institutions, the SAS develops extensive international cooperation, thus integrating Slovak science into a transnational context. The project will be at SAS coordinated by a member of the SAS Presidium for Doctoral Studies with the support of the Department of Science and Research at the Office of SAS.
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) is a research and educational institution that offers technical education and involves students in research in the field of natural sciences, computer science, construction, architecture, chemistry, food and material technologies. The university provides studies in all three levels of university education. It also offers lifelong learning programs and MBA studies in cooperation with TU Wien. Approximately 12,000 students study annually at 7 faculties of STU and one institute. At the international level, STU has concluded hundreds of cooperation agreements with foreign universities, faculties and research institutes. Research teams at the school are involved in solving international projects, annually solving about 500 domestic and international research projects funded by grants and hundreds of contract research projects for industrial practice. The project will be implemented at the STU Rectorate, Department of Science and International Scientific and Technical Cooperation under auspices of the Vice-Rector for Research and Doctoral Studies.
Comenius University in Bratislava (CU) is a modern European university, it is a public and self-governing institution - a university that carries out creative scientific, educational, artistic and cultural activities. In 2019 it was celebrating its 100th anniversary. Its basic mission is to develop knowledge and create conditions for education by supporting study in a wide range of fields of study. It offers the widest selection of study programmes (over 800) at three levels, and several of these study programmes are the only ones of their kind offered in Slovakia. There is a wide range of areas of human knowledge to choose from when studying, be it in medicine, the humanities and social sciences, the natural sciences, mathematics, theology, and much more. Comenius University comprises thirteen faculties, with more than 22.000 students at all three levels of study, of which almost 20.000 are full time students. Comenius University is also an important research institution, which participates in top-level research in a number of scientific disciplines. It is also a centre of hundreds of domestic and international science and research projects. The university is the home institution of 26 top-level research teams (out of a total of 54 at all Slovak universities). Top-level research is performed also at several science centers of the CU, e.g. Science Park, BioMed in Martin, FMFI Laboratory of Advanced Technologies and Center for Nuclear and Accelerator Technologies. They also help establishing links with the private sector. The project will be coordinated at the CU by the Vice-Rector for Science, Research and Doctoral Studies with the support of the Projects Department.